My Child at School

Get Live updates on your child's education.
Changes to the MCAS Login Process for New and Existing Users
The MCAS Login process has recently changed, and you no longer need the School ID, Username or Invitation Code. Parents/carers can now log in to the MCAS online portal using an Email Address.
- From within the web browser type or access the MCAS mobile phone app, this will open the Parent Login screen.
- Enter your Email Address and Password. Use the Email Address registered to the MCAS account and the Password to Login.
- Click on the Login button.
- Login to the MCAS account and see all Students linked to that Email Address.
If you receive the message Incorrect Email Address or Password and are sure you are using the correct email address, please use the Reset Password link on the Parent Login screen. If you continue to experience issues, please contact
iOS Download - Link
Google Play - Link
Password Requirements
- At least 8 characters long
- Include:
- Uppercase letters
- Lowercase letters
- Numbers
- Punctuation marks
Upcoming Changes, including Payments and Dinner Money
As you will be aware, we moved to a new student management system in April, called Bromcom, which includes the new parent app called MyChildAtSchool (MCAS). This change has provided a number of benefits to our school community.
MCAS allows you to receive essential information and regular updates about your child(ren) and their life at Five Acres High School. Currently, it allows you to access the following:
- Announcements - Receive and store announcements
- Attendance - Check your child's attendance
- Contact Details - Check and update your details
- Important documents - Safely stored in one place
- Lesson Timetables - View your child's timetable
From September 2023 we will be using the MCAS app and portal for payments, as well as school communications. MCAS will replace ParentPay to enable us to have just one system to simplify things for parents/carers. In addition to the above benefits, from September 2023 MCAS will also allow you to:
- Trips / Visits - View details of your child's upcoming trips and provide consent
- School Meals - Top up your child's school meal account
- School Shop - Purchase items direct from the school (eg stationery, house badges and uniform)
ParentPay will no longer be accessible from the last day of the summer term, Tuesday 25 July, however any school meal account balances that are in credit will be held and transferred to your child's account in MCAS.
If you have any outstanding payment items showing in ParentPay, please can you make payments by Friday 21 July.
Payments for trips that will take place after September 2023 will be transferred to MCAS, so parents/carers will see the remaining balance via MCAS.