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Holmleigh Park High School

Contact Details

HP Home-School Communication Protocol

We encourage all parents and carers to review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) webpage before contacting the school, as it may address your question promptly.

FAQ Webpage:

Contacting Holmleigh Park

Preferred Method of Contact: Email

Email ensures a digital record of communication and allows staff the flexibility to respond effectively. If required, a follow-up telephone call or meeting can be arranged after the initial email contact.

Reporting Absences

  • Years 7-11: Text 07860054561, including the student’s name, tutor group, and reason for absence.

  • Years 12-13: Call the Sixth Form direct line at 01452 393760 or email

Communication Tiers

Holmleigh Park staff aim to reply to emails during school hours (8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday), excluding weekends, Bank Holidays, and school holidays.

Tier 1: Specific Concerns

Target Response Time: Within 1 to 2 school days, depending on the query

Tier 2: Senior Leadership Team

Target Response Time: Within 1 to 5 school days, depending on the query

  • Each year group is overseen by a Senior Leadership Team (SLT) member, who supports pastoral care and helps resolve serious or previously unresolved issues or enquiries. Contact information is available on the Contact Details page:

Tier 3: Headteacher

Target Response Time: Within 1 to 10 school days, depending on the query

  • For complaints at Stage 2, please review the Complaints Policy to ensure all prior steps (Tiers 1-3) have been taken. The Headteacher may delegate responses to appropriate staff where necessary.
    Complaints Policy:

Telephone Enquiries

For phone queries, please contact our main reception by calling 01452 301381:

  • General Enquiries: Reception staff will assist where possible or guide you to the appropriate staff member’s email.

  • Specific Staff Requests: Messages will be taken and emailed to the relevant staff member, who will respond once their teaching commitments allow. For faster communication, we recommend emailing the staff member directly.

Communication Guidelines

  1. Respectful Communication
    We expect all communication to remain polite and respectful. Our pupils and staff are entitled to a safe and respectful environment. Concerns should be addressed courteously, and we will take appropriate action if these standards are not met.

  2. Pre-Booked Meetings Only
    All meetings with staff must be scheduled in advance. Drop-in meetings cannot be accommodated due to teaching and duty commitments. These meetings are classed as 'informal' and, as such, the school does not take nor agree to formal signed minutes of these meetings. This approach is taken to effectively manage staff time due to the volume of informal parent/carer meetings that take place.

  3. Formal Complaints
    For formal complaints, refer to the Complaints Policy for timescales and procedures, which may differ from the response times outlined above.

We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these protocols to ensure effective communication between home and school.

You can contact the school through the following methods, and we will be happy to direct you to the correct person. Please note that during the day, many of our staff (including the Senior Leadership Team) will be busy teaching, so email is usually the best way to get a quick response. 

By email:

By telephone: 

+44 (0)1452 301381

By writing to:

Holmleigh Park High School
Holmleigh Road

Report  a Student Absence

When reporting your child as absent, the most direct and quickest route for both parents and the school would be to send a text message as below, however other options are available.

Via Text Message

This is the fastest way to report an Absence to us

Text 07860054561 with Student Name, Tutor Group, Date of Absence, Reason for absence

Via Email

Subject: Data of Absence - Student Name

Body: Date of Absence, Student Name, Tutor Group, Reason for absence.

Via Telephone

  1. Phone 01452 301381

  2. Press 1 for Attendance

  3. Leave a message with Date of Absence, Student Name, Tutor Group, Reason for absence.

  4. Should you need to speak to a member of the Attendance Team please leave a message asking for a call back, and we will return your call.

If you are trying to reach a specific person, please feel free to email staff directly from the list below:

Leadership Team 

Name Role Email Address

Mr D Hudson


Please email PA

Mrs L Hughes

PA to the Headteacher

Mr A Park

Deputy Headteacher - Curriculum and Assessment

Mr T O'Gallagher

Deputy Headteacher - Behaviour and Attendance

Ms S Diaco

Designated Safeguarding Lead and Assistant Headteacher - Inclusion

Ms K Barrett

Assistant Headteacher - Raising Standards (Years 7-10)

Mr T Hogarth

Assistant Headteacher - Raising Standards (Year 11)

Mrs C Marsden-Green

Assistant Headteacher - Sixth Form

Ms S Murray

Assistant Headteacher - Teaching and Learning

Mrs A Sharples Assistant Headteacher for Student Experience

Heads of Year (Pastoral Queries) 

Name Role Email Address

Ms S Kelly

Head of Behaviour

Mr C Ogden

Head of Year 7

Ms J Sinden

Deputy Head of Year 7

Ms L Abedrabo

Head of Year 8

Ms R Ranshaw

Deputy Head of Year 8

Ms C Adams

Head of Year 9

Mr B Caffull

Deputy Head of Year 9

Ms T Furleger

Head of Year 10

Mr D Pearce

Deputy Head of Year 10

Ms A Screen

Head of Year 11

Mr M Guilbert

Deputy Head of Year 11

Mr G Robinson

Head of Year 12

Mr J Enderby

Head of Year 13

Directors of Faculty (Academic Queries) 

Name Role Email Address

Ms H Carter

Director of English

Mr S Hobbs

Director of Maths

Mrs K Myers

Director of Science

Ms E Grinham [maternity cover]

Director of Modern Foreign Languages

Mr D Thompson

Director of Humanities

Mrs J Skuse

Director of Visual Arts

Mr J Kavanagh

Director of Enterprise

Miss G Tanner

Head of ICT

Mrs E Hammond

Head of Geography

Mr D Pearce

Head of Media & Criminology

Mrs J McJennett

Head of Performing Arts

Mr T Foster

Head of PE

Mrs Z Kingston

Head of Photography

Mrs L Jennings

Head of Health & Social Care

Mrs L Roberts

Head of Food

Dr R Brown

Head of Religious Studies

Inclusion Team (SEND and Safeguarding Queries) 

Name Role Email Address

Ms S Diaco

Designated Safeguarding Lead and Assistant Headteacher - Inclusion

Ms J Izatt

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr T O'Gallagher

Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Ms E Price


Attendance Team

Attendance Team

Support Teams

Name Role Email Address

Mr N Emery

IT Services Manager

Mr A Jones
(Health and Safety Lead)

Facilities Team

Ms H Hutchinson

Trip Engagement Coordinator

Mr M Lockett

Careers Lead

Kitchen Team

Kitchen Manager

Mr M Lockett

Careers Leader
Finance Team Finance

Governing Body 

The Chair of the Governing Body is Andrew Maunder. To email him, please contact the clerk to our Governing Body by emailing

Text Messages from HPHigh 

Our Text Message Services will display from the below

  • "HPHigh"
  • "447860054561"
  • "07860054561"

We advise you save this number in your contacts. Please note this number doesn't support calls

Homleigh Park High School welcomes comments, if you would like to contact us please do so on If you have a complaint or concern that you feel has not been resolved by contacting us, you can make a complaint here. Please do not use this form if you have not first contacted us to try to resolve the concern informally.” 

Greenshaw Learning Trust

Holmleigh Park High School is part of the Greenshaw Learning Trust. The Greenshaw Learning Trust is a charitable and limited company registered in England & Wales, company number 7633694, registered at Greenshaw Learning Trust, ORU Sutton, Throwley Way, Sutton, SM1 4AF. Tel: 020 3988 0218.


Should a parent or carer require a copy of the above information, we will be happy to provide it free of charge. Please contact reception.