Uniform and Equipment
Important information : Starting September 2023, the school is opening a Recycled Uniform Shop. You can get all the details on this page.
At Holmleigh Park, we take great pride in our uniform, as we believe it sets the culture of our school – we have high standards for everything we do.
Uniform List
For all Year 7-11 students, the uniform consists of the following. Items are compulsory unless stated.
A school blazer*
A school tie*
Either tailored, plain black trousers which reach the laces or the school kilt*
A plain, formal sky blue shirt. This can be long or short sleeved, and must be tucked in.
Formal and professional plain black shoes
Socks must be plain black
Optional: Tights (no leggings) may be worn with the kilt. These should be plain black and not patterned. White socks over tights are not permitted.
Optional: A school jumper (optional)*
Optional: During cold/wet weather, students are encouraged to wear an outside, waterproof coat for the journey to and from school and during break time and lunchtime if outside the school buildings. Please note that hoodies are NOT permitted and such items will be confiscated if worn on site.
Items marked with a * are branded, and must be purchased from our uniform shop, Monkhouse. All other items are generic and can be purchased from any appropriate shop.
For examples of acceptable shoes and trousers, please see the Further Information section below.
Equipment List
All students are expected to carry their everyday equipment (PE kit, pencil case, books, etc.) in a bag of suitable size. Small handbags and boot bags are not suitable for everyday use; we recommend a rucksack.
Every student is expected to bring with him/her the following basic items of equipment for every lesson, every day:
- School bag
- Timetable
- 30cm ruler
- Pencil
- 2 Pens (black or blue)
- Green pen
- Eraser
- Sharpener
- Casio FX-83-GT CW- Scientific calculator
- Student Planner
- Reading Book
- All kept in a clear pencil case for easy inspection
- Mini whiteboard *
- Whiteboard pen *
- Whiteboard eraser *
We ask that you obtain these items before the start of the school year. During the year, students are able to purchase replacements from our school shop, which is open from 08:20-08:30 each day.
* These 3 items will be provided by the school at the start of the academic year
Please note that Tippex/liquid paper is not permitted in school and must not be used in any school work.
Any textbooks, library books and specialised equipment will be issued on loan to students. We expect students to look after these, and they may be charged for any damage beyond reasonable wear and tear.
PE Kit
Boys PE Kit
- HP High Rugby Shirt *
- HP High Rugby Shorts or Skort *
- HP High Socks *
- HP High Polo Shirt *
- Rugby or Football Boots
- Trainers
- Swimming shorts
Girls PE Kit
- HP High Girls Polo *
- HP High Shorts or Skort *
- HP High Socks *
- Trainers
- Rugby or Football Boots
- Swimming costume
Optional Items
- HP High branded leggings [must be worn underneath shorts/skort] *
- HP High branded tracksuit bottoms *
- HP High branded ¼ zip training top *
- Mouth Guard (highly recommended)
Items marked with a * are branded, and must be purchased from our uniform shop, Monkhouse. All other items are generic and can be purchased from any appropriate shop.
Pupils are expected to bring the correct HP PE kit to every lesson.
If a pupil is unable to physically take part in the lesson a note must be provided from their parent/carer. Pupils will still be expected to change into their kit and participate in the lesson in another form (coaching, umpiring, etc)
All jewellery must be removed prior to the lesson starting. We highly recommend ear piercings to be done over the summer holidays to ensure they are fully healed by September.
The only jewellery which is acceptable is a wrist watch and one pair of small plain gold or silver stud earrings in the lobe of the ear only. Any other form of jewellery is not allowed. Holmleigh Park does not allow facial piercings of any kind, including transparent piercing retainers. Students will be asked to remove any other piercings if they are visible. Failure to do so will result in the student spending the day in On Site Provision (OSP) where they will remain until any prohibited piercings are removed.
No extreme hairstyle or dyed hair is allowed, including dip-dyed. Hair is to be of natural colour and only one colour. This includes tramlines and other shaved patterns, Mohican or skinhead-type styles. Hair must be no shorter than grade 2. Students arriving in school with an unacceptable hairstyle (including lines shaved into eyebrows) will be sent to OSP. Male and female students with long hair must tie it back for PE, Technology and Science lessons. Students will remain in OSP until any prohibited hair styles are returned to acceptable styles.
Please note: please make informed decisions with your children with respect to piercings and hair styles that may be changed during school breaks – If a student arrives on their first day back with prohibited styles or piercings they will be placed in OSP immediately until the situation is resolved.
No make-up of any kind is to be worn by students. This includes foundation, lipstick, lip-gloss, mascara, blusher, eye shadow, eyeliner, brow liner and nail varnish (including false nails and false eyelashes). Students arriving in school wearing makeup, nail varnish or false nails will be asked to remove it. Failure to do so will result in the student being sent to OSP.
Further Information
Trousers must be plain black, and of a tailored / boot cut style. They must reach down to cover the shoe laces.
Tight trousers, leggings, denim trousers, trousers which do not cover the ankle, trousers with visible zipped pockets etc will not be considered. The images below give some examples. If in doubt, keep the receipt and email us a picture – we’d be more than happy to advise!
Shoes must be plain black and formal. They should be leather – or another material which can be polished. Trainers, sneakers, ankle boots, canvas shoes are not permitted. The images below give some examples – again, if in doubt, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Affordability Statement
Holmleigh Park requires its students to wear school uniform. We believe that a school uniform
provides a sense of belonging and identity whilst setting an appropriate tone for an education
In developing our school uniform we have carefully considered what is required practically for classroom lessons or for sport, safeguarding and health and safety considerations, and our obligations under the Equality Act 2010, and we have taken account of the wishes of parents and
We have also considered the cost implications for families and different groups of pupils and sought best value - we have minimised the number of branded items and avoided single supplier contracts so that parents have a choice of where they can shop, and we will avoid frequent uniform changes so that clothes can be passed on. We also offer individual items on free loan to ensure that families have low cost options.
If you have any questions about our uniform, or are struggling through financial hardship, please
contact us on finance@hphigh.co.uk and we can support you.
Complaints about our school uniform should be dealt with under the school complaints policy which can be found on our policies page.