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Holmleigh Park High School

Letter from the Head – Friday 17th January 2025

In this issue: Updates on our Home-School Communication Protocol consultation, highlights from GLT Review Day, exciting student trips, mock exams, and a focus on attendance.

Dear HP families,

Firstly, a reminder that the deadline for parents and carers to participate in the consultation on our proposed Home-School Communication Protocol and preferred timings for Parents Evenings has been extended until Monday. We greatly value your feedback, and I encourage anyone who has not yet completed the Google Form to do so. Thank you to everyone who has already shared their views.

I am very pleased to report excellent feedback from our annual GLT Review Day, held earlier this week. External reviewers from the trust commended the very strong processes we have in place for developing our curriculum. They also noted the excellent behaviour and very high standards across HP, which contribute to the calm and purposeful environment we strive for. The reviewers were impressed by how friendly and warm both our students and staff are, as well as the many opportunities available to students beyond the classroom.

There have also been some wonderful enrichment activities this week. Our Year 8 Scholars group enjoyed an inspiring visit to Bristol Zoo, where they deepened their understanding of animal conservation. Meanwhile, our Year 10 GCSE PE students had the opportunity to visit Hartpury University, gaining valuable insights into sports science and higher education.

I want to give a special mention to our Year 12 students, who have approached their mock exams with great maturity and focus. Similarly, our Year 13 students have been sitting externally assessed exams this week, and their hard work and dedication have been impressive to see.

Finally, a word on attendance, which remains our number one priority this year at HP.  There are so many brilliant extracurricular clubs and trips taking place this term, and being in school every day ensures your child can take full advantage of these opportunities. 

I wish you all a lovely weekend,

Mr Hudson