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Holmleigh Park High School

Year 11 Consultation Evening – 24/10/2019

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Date: 11th October 2019

Dear Parent/Carer

Year 11 Consultation Evening – Thursday 24th October 2019 at 4.30 pm to 7.00 pm

We are writing to invite you to attend the year 11 consultation evening which will take place on Thursday 24th October in the main hall.

The purpose of the evening is to enable you to meet with your child’s subject teachers to discuss their current progress and how they should be preparing for the mock exams and summer exams. This information will be different to that given out on the year 11 evening on the 26th September as it will be individual to your child and subject related.

We cannot stress enough how important it is that you and your child attend this evening, particularly to discuss current progress and what you can do to continue to support your child at home.  It is important to note too, that research shows that parental engagement is one of the keys to success throughout year 11.

Please ensure that your child makes appointments for you before the evening, but do contact us if you need any assistance regarding this or have any queries.

Finally, if you have not already done so, can check that we have an up to date email address so that we can regularly update you with school and year 11 information. Link -

In the meantime, can we thank you for all your ongoing support – year 11 are a great year group and with continued partnership we are confident they will achieve fantastic grades in the summer that will allow them to progress post 16 courses.

Yours sincerely

Mr C Ogden                              Mrs N Leech

Head of Year 11                        Assistant Headteacher