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Holmleigh Park High School

Careers Welcome

Welcome to Careers at Holmleigh Park High School.

Holmleigh Park has a progressive careers programme with the aim to give our students the EDGE, 
Employability Skills | Developmental Skills | Global Skills | Exceptional Qualifications.

As all students Work Hard, Be Kind and Take Responsibility they will be able to grow, wide knowledge, focused ambition, self-confidence, and high aspirations to make secure choices for their future

The designated Careers Leader at HPHS is, Mr Lockett, who works closely with Staff and outside agencies, GROWS Network of local further and higher education providers, Gloucestershire’s Local Enterprise Provider gFirst LEP and our link Career Enterprise Adviser this ensures a wide experience for our students.

Students have access to a comprehensive online career’s platform, Unifrog, and participate in a range of activities designed to give them the EDGE, in understanding of further and higher education, and labour market. There are assemblies hosted by local colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers, sessions devoted to careers education, encounters with employers, and access to independent career advice.

The Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme is progressive for students in years 7 to 13 and follows the eight Gatsby benchmarks as recommended by the government. 

If you have any questions related to careers education at Holmleigh Park High School, please telephone the school office or email Mark Lockett at

Interviews, Career Events, Activities

Students can request a careers interview by contacting any of the staff above by email.

All students will have had a careers interview towards the end of year 10 or beginning of year 11. Students can request a further careers interview if needed to help support decision making for year 12. Students receive an action plan after their appointment to help action their next steps.

Careers appointments can be useful for making choices whether that be options at 14, 16 or 18. Helping to work out a career path, discovering career routes, University choices, finding Apprenticeships, job opportunities or work experience/voluntary work.

Apprenticeship opportunities/vacancies or open days are advertised in school on the Careers noticeboard, on the school website, or on the school weekly bulletin.

As well as providing impartial advice and guidance in school we offer activities and workshops to supplement guidance in school. Such as:

  • Mentoring from the local employers and university ambassadors.
  • Careers talks
  • Apprenticeship talks
  • Co-operative Young People and Careers Event
  • GROWS Aspirational programme
  • National Citizen Service
  • National Apprentices 
  • Work place visits
  • Find your Future FE day
  • UCAS HE exhibition
  • University visits
  • Trips to Science Festival and Big Bang Fair

Careers Leader Contact Details

Mr. M Locket -