Please collect your examination certificate(s) from the school office as soon as possible.
Sixth Form January Exams 2025
January 2025 Year 12/13 Exam
January 2025 Year 12 / 13 Exam Timetable
JCQ Documents - please familiarise yourself with these :
Information for Candidates - Conducting Exams
Information for Candidates - Warning to Candidates
Information for Candidates - Using Social Media and Exams
Information for Candidates - Preparing to Sit Your Exams
Information for Candidates - Written Exams
Information for Candidates - Coursework
Information for Candidates - Privacy Notice
Information for Candidates - Unauthorised Exams Items List
Information for Candidates - On Screen Exams
Information for Candidates - Non Exam Assessment
*Individual student timetables can be viewed via MCAS and the Student Portal Apps*
January 2025 External Vocational Exams - YR12/13
External Vocational Exams 2025 January
JCQ Documents - please familiarise yourself with these :
Information for Candidates - Conducting Exams
Information for Candidates - Warning to Candidates
Information for Candidates - Using Social Media and Exams
Information for Candidates - Preparing to Sit Your Exams
Information for Candidates - Written Exams
Information for Candidates - Coursework
Information for Candidates - Privacy Notice
Information for Candidates - Unauthorised Exams Items List
Information for Candidates - On Screen Exams
Information for Candidates - Non Exam Assessment
*Individual student timetables can be viewed via MCAS and the Student Portal Apps
Post Results Services and Appeals Student Information
If students have concerns regarding their overall subject grade after publication of results they must speak to their subject teacher as soon as possible but preferably speak to the Subject Leader or a member of SLT. They will discuss your result and any concerns you may have with you.
If you are not able to do this in person, you can email the full details and outline of your concerns to exams@hphigh.co.uk and the Exams Office will forward your email to the relevant person.
There are a number of services that all Exam Awarding Bodies offer, which include reviewing the steps involved in awarding a grade or having access to a copy of your script. Further details of all services available can be obtained from the Exams Office.
All post results service requests must be made through the school as candidates cannot apply for these directly to the Board.
It is important that candidates should be aware, that as a result of any enquiry, marks and/or grades may also go down or stay the same as well as going up.
You must sign a Consent Form before any service is applied for.
If you have any questions please speak to any member in the Exams Office.